Tanmaurkrevyen (2019)
Staged in collaboration with Piotr Winiewicz and Bisse
Scenography and costumes in collaboration with Piotr Winiewicz
a Showbisse production
Scenography and costumes in collaboration with Piotr Winiewicz
a Showbisse production

Kunstnerisk magtdemonstration (Gaffa, Radiohuset)★★★★★
Young Usurper Delivers (GFR, Voxhall)Credits:
Concept: Bisse, Piotr Winiewicz, Freya Sif Hestnes
Performed by Bisse, Bissebanden and Cph Phil
Supported by Bikubenfonden
Performed at:
Radiohuset, Konservatoriets koncertsal (with Copenhagen Phil)
Musikkens Hus, Aalborg
Voxhall, Aarhus
Kulturmaskinen, Odense
Photos: Troels Hansen, Kim Matthai Leland, Mathias Bak Larsen, Freya Sif Hestnes