Animal (2025)
Scenography, costume design

Teater Sort / Hvid
Hex (2023)
Scenography, costume design, video design

The Danish Royal Theatre

more info

Interiors (2020)

From Spare Parts, solo exhibition
Galleri Image

Video link upon request

Understrøm / Undercurrent, video excerpt, Fantomrum (Phantom Space)
Collaborative work. Painting by Johanne Rude Lindegaard. Gammelgaard 2024
Sound editing: Liis Ring
Exhibition text: Andy Allen-Olivar
Installation photos: Gert Skærlund, Freya Sif Hestnes
Supported by Statens Kunstfond, Århus Kulturudviklingspulje

Understrøm / Undercurrent, video, 03:51 min loop (still)

Duet, video, 04:03 min loop (still)

Breakup Album, video, 02:44 min loop (still)

Installation view from Fantomrum (2024) with Johanne Rude Lindegaard:

Collaborative work. Paintings by Johanne Rude Lindegaard

Installation view from Spare Parts, solo exhibition (2020):

Interview on the exhibition Spare Parts (2020):

Step / Trin (2024)
Video loop
(link on request)

From Fantomrum, duo exhibition with Johanne Rude Lindegaard

Gammelgaard, 2024

           Step / Trin, installation view

          Step / Trin, still from video
Installation view

Step / Trin (2024)
Beeswax and flame gel

Installation photos by Frida Gregersen

Mit Arbejde (2020)
Mitt Arbete
Scenography and costume design

Husets Teater (DK) and Folkteatern (SE)

Near the end, when a large wooden crucifix with a placenta in the center is brought onto the stage, it is only a matter of capitulating. As usual, art is above all morality. GÖTEBORGS-POSTEN

Freya Sif Hestnes’ stage is a symbolic picture party and a carefully selected installation of objects from various times that would deserve its very own text  DAGENS NYHETER

An intense drama, diluted by well-timed humour and condensed by a meaty scenography AFTONBLADET
★★★★★ ISCENE
Based on ‘Mit Arbejde’ by Olga Ravn
Directed by: Liv Helm, Scenography assistant: Astrid Sønderskov Andersen (Norwegian Theatre Academy), Dramaturge: Sanna Albjørk (DK), Text adaptation: Sanna Albjørk and Liv Helm, Performed by Christine Sønderris, Marie-Lydie Melono Nokouda (DK) and Nina Haber, Anna Lundström (SE)
Sound design and komposer: Nanna Karina Schleimann, Light design: Christian Vest Berntsen, Video trailer: Lina Ikse

Husets Teater (DK) - photos by Zuhal Kocan, Freya Sif Hestnes:

Folkteatern (SE) - Photos by Freya Sif Hestnes:

Photo by Lina Ikse: